Prelim Task

Opening Sequence

Saturday 4 December 2010

Research of opening sequences

The opening to ‘Catch me if you can’ is animated, and portrays many themes which may suggest how this movie has a hybrid mixture. The opening sequence begins by introducing the production company and the director.

Throughout this opening sequence many locations are shown to give the audience a clue as to where the story will take place during the movie, but the first location introduced is an airport, which is made obvious by the characters that emerge from the font, or ‘lines’ of the credits, these characters are air hostesses and all the characters shown in the opening sequence are like stick men, so they have no distinctive features other than
the cloths they are wearing.

A male character is also on screen, and it is made clear he is the lead character Leonardo Dicaprio as an arrow points to him when Leonardo’s name is shown on screen. This character then walks through a ‘black line’, which transforms his identity, from a casual looking person to a pilot. Throughout the opening sequence this character, changes from a casual looking person, to a pilot, to a diver, to a doctor, to a business man, to a wealthy man and back to a pilot. These various changes may suggest how the lead character in this may have many identities and therefore this may be a crime, mystery, drama, or action film, this is because people who have several identities are obviously trying to escape someone or something(like the authorities), or hide themselves from the world.

Furthermore, a second character who is introduced as the actor Tom Hanks, seems to be a detective due to his apparel. It is clear this detective character is in pursuit of the lead character as he continuously follows the lead character, and the lead character always manages to escape in every setting. The audience will realise why the lead character has to keep disguising himself in different cloths, because the detective is pursuing him and the lead character does not want to get caught. There may be an element of action in this film, as you see a taxi suddenly drift round a corner in the opening sequence and a another car quickly does the same to keep up with it, portraying how there may be action between the detective and lead character in this movie as it does seem to be a cat and mouse chase.

The music is parallel as certain sounds are heard just as the credits are shown, almost as if the credits are making the sound. The music is from a Jazz genre, and it makes the opening sequence seem both mysterious and comical.

The title ‘Catch me if you can’ links to the opening sequence as it shows a person trying to catch another person, so the audience can expect this film to be a film with a lot of chase scenes and locations.

Lord of War

This opening sequence begins with an establishing shot; the setting is a factory with many workers.
The director then creatively shows the journey of a bullet from the bullets perspective. It shows the journey from manufacturing stage of the bullet, to the transportation of the bullet, to it being loaded into a gun, to it being shot and the ending up in the head of young African male.

The director wants the audience to be in suspense or curious as to know where this bullet will end up. A soldier wearing what appears to be a Nazi uniform opens the crate where the bullet is lying; this suggests this may be a war film, which also links to the title ‘Lord of War’.

The music is parallel, as the lyrics relate to the visuals, for example the artist sings the words, ‘there’s a man with a gun over there,’ and near the end of the opening sequence you see men with gun and the bullet is in a gun that is held by the man.

Comedy film.
Jolly music is used in the opening credits to suggest that this could be a positive movie which will leave the audience feeling happy.

In the opening credits creative extreme close ups are used on random objects to show the actors names. The randomness may make the lead character seem as if he is unordinary, playful or bored.
Medium shots are mainly used on the main character to show his unusual body language and facial expressions.

While the main character presents to the class his classmates begin to laugh at him. This is significant as it shoes he is regarded as a funny character, and will no doubt make the audience laugh in later scenes.
Private parts are hurt which is common in comedy films as the majority of people find thing like that amusing.

Pulp fiction

This is an opening sequence which is simple yet effective. It begins with a close up of a couple kissing, then they sit down and a long shot shows how they are in a diner. After exchanging ‘I love you’ to each other, they suddenly bring out guns, stand up and shout aloud that it is a robbery. The scene pauses and the music then plays introducing the credits.

This may be a hybrid; this may be a romantic and action movie because the opening sequence has kissing and guns, furthermore fast paced Brazilian music was played. This music can represent gang culture because the soundtrack is similar to mafia music. The director intentionally shows the actors’ names in bold with a black background so that the audience may acknowledge the cast of this movie.

This film may be aimed at a older audience because of the foul language and violence, probably from 18 years old and over, it may also be aimed at people who enjoy mafia films.

The expendables

The Expendables is an action film which was released in 2010 worldwide.
Production company- Lionsgate and millennium films
Director- Sylvester Stallone
• The opening sequence opens with six bikers
• Establishing shot is used to set the location, dark city street, maybe new York
• Only the sound of the motorbike engines are heard, sort of causes suspense
• Bikers turn into garage and a close up of a vinyl graphic is shown on the side of a bike, its an image of a skull, and underneath is the word ‘expendable’, which obviously has some relation to the title of the movie, perhaps the bikers are part of a gang called expendable..
• The close up of the moon is show to establish the time of day and maybe month as it was a full moon
• The setting is actually established through text that appears in the corner of the screen, Somalia- Gold of Eden, establishing shot of sea., while credits are rolling
• Men in all black with torches walking through a factory-like building, the actual title is then shown and is somehow illuminated as one of the characters shine their torch in the shot
• As characters walk the camera slightly shakes to add effect, to show the audience they are moving quite rapidly
• I think it will be aimed at men 16 to 40, people who enjoy action movies etc.

The audience will probably be in suspense by the end of the opening sequence as they will be wondering why these mysterious figures are running around in this dark factory with guns.

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