Prelim Task

Opening Sequence

Thursday 20 January 2011

preliminary task shooting schedule

Shot Details
Shot 2
Shot 3
Shot 6
Shot 7
Shot 8
Shot 9
Shot 10
Shot 11
Shot 12
Shot 13
Shot 14
Shot 15
Shot 16
Shot 17
Shot 18

Shot 1
Shot 4
Shot 5
Shot 19

- High shot tilting to zoom in on phone
- Medium shot of girl looking up
- Close up of her hiding pregnancy test
- Pan as boy walks across the room
- Over the shoulder shot as boy walks and sits down
- Over the shoulder shot + dialogue
- Two shot of characters sitting
- Close up of girl’s lips
- Over the shoulder shot concentrating on boy
- Over the shoulder shot
- Close up of her hand reaching to touch his
- Reverse zoom as he takes his hand away
- Two shot
- Over the shoulder shot as he backs away
- Long shot as boy opens door and leaves

- Medium shot of boy walking
- Close up of boy checking his phone
- Close up of his hand moving towards door
- Long shot of him leaving

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