Prelim Task

Opening Sequence

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Evaluation Question Four

Who would be the audience for your media product?

My media product is aimed at a wide target audience, due to its hybrid mixture, its characters and the actual narrative. As it is a certificate 15 film, anyone beyond the age of 15 is welcome to watch the film. It is aimed at both men and women ranged from the age of 15 to 40 years old. This is because the audience can relate to the characters and settings. The cast itself is aged between 20-40 years old, from the couple who are around 20 years old to the parents who are aged around 40 years old, it is clear my film is aimed at people between those ages as they can relate to and feel comfortable with the characters on screen. My actual primary audience are men and women, from ages 15-40 who are from and urban background, mainly situated in the suburbs. My secondary audience are couples, students, gamers and people who usually watch thriller movies as they will enjoy this film even if they had to watch it as a last resort in the cinema.
 This film is also aimed at people who are more likely to go to the cinema in the evening, after work and college as the film has a dark sinister theme which is better shown in the evening then the daytime, to set the mood for the movie. Also if couples are planning to watch this movie, they are most likely to watch it in the evening, as most couples go cinema in the evening. Also I have chosen the cinema, as I believe my film will be the best when played in one because of the whole cinematic experience and technology, like surround sound.
When my film is released on DVD, it will be aimed at those who love to keep a DVD collection as I believe my film is a film that will be remembered for a very time.  People who love spending time watching hours of TV and DVD's will buy this DVD, also people who have time to watch short films will be interested in buying the DVD.

My Film is a thriller, with elements of action and romance in it, so people who enjoy thriller, action or romance movies will go to see this movie. For example, young couples who enjoy romantic thrillers will go out to see this film, this is because there is a strong theme of love in the narrative and also young  couples can relate to the characters in the film that are also young and in a relationship. Furthermore, this is aimed at people who enjoy films with a complex narrative; they will go to see this movie because  it has a non-linear narrative, so the audience has to put together clues while watching the movie, instead of just simply watching a normal film from start to finish; they like films that require thought when watched.
In the last six months the target audience of my film would have watched a film like Inception, which is a psychological thriller, which also has elements of action and romance in the plot. They would have also seen films such as Saw 3D, Paranormal Activity 2, Salt and The Twilight Saga Eclipse. This is because all of these movies have codes and conventions of genres that are in my film, so fans of these movies will no doubt enjoy my film.
There are three main characters in my film, the boyfriend, the girlfriend and the girlfriend’s psycho dad.  Firstly, my film is aimed at an audience of black ethnicity, preferably black males from an urban community. This is because the lead character, is a black male who is represented as a young wealthy man from an urban community, this is seen through his costumes, language and acting. So young black males from urban communities will be interested to see how this character is portrayed on screen so they can decide if the representation of young urban males is accurate.
Secondly, my film is also aimed at people of the Asian ethnicity, preferably Asian fathers or Asian men around 25-40 years old, as the psycho dad is an Asian actor, so therefore Asian men will find it enjoyable to see how extreme a fathers love can be for his daughter as Asian fathers are known to be very strict and overprotective.
My film will be aimed at people with a variety of interests. People with an interest in fashion will watch this film as the latest in urban fashion is showcased throughout my film, also people with an interest in stunts and weaponry will watch this film as many stunts and weapons are used during the chase scenes in this movie. This means gamers, who play action and shooting games will be targeted as guns are involved in the plot, a lot of teenagers are interested in guns because of shooting and war games so they will go to see this movie.
In terms if psychographics, I am aiming this media product at people who are easily excited, but also people who will also question many aspects of my film, for example they will questions like ‘why there are so many flashbacks in my film instead of a easy flowing story?’ Also this is aimed at people have a good social life as I believe this movie is more enjoyable when surrounded my friends. These  people will be the ones who are touched easily by unethical acts, such as abuse and murder. They may like watching programs such as C.S.I, films that are based around investigations, clues, action and murder. They may be very socialable people, who enjoy going out every weekend, or every chance they have spare time.

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