Prelim Task

Opening Sequence

Sunday 23 January 2011

Final Treatment

 I learnt that my treatment had to be a more concise version of my draft treatment, as in that treatment i was explaining nearly every scene of the story, (which is what a script is meant to do) instead of a brief summary of the main highlights of the film. A treatment is a document that is produced by many filmmakers looking to produce a film, it is not as complex and lengthy as a script but it does the same thing in  less detail. It explains the whole story and characters of the film, it does not usually include every scene like a script, but highlights the most significant parts of the film, from start to finish. A treatment can be used to persuade production companies and financiers to invest in your idea, and turn your vision into a motion picture.

The title of my film is called 'Chase'. It is simplistic plot, the main character Nicholas(Kevin Afolabi), begins to date a girl named Sarah, little did Nicholas know, Sarah has a very over-protective father who would literally 'Chase' and exterminate any human being who hurts his beloved daughter. Now Nicholas is your typical heart breaker, sweet talker and cheat, he takes Sarah seriously at first just to take advantage of the benefits of her love, but then after a year or so of dating he slowly becomes uninterested and begins playing games with Sarah, and as a result she suspects he is having many other affairs. One night, both Nicholas and Sarah are in a car, she finds a thong that belongs to another women and they begin to argue, Nicholas then says he wants to end the relationship but as a response Sarah announces she is pregnant! Nicholas is a hot head and a very disrespectful young man, he responds by beating her until the baby is fully dead. In the hospital, Sarah's dad, Jonathan, arrives to see his daughter in a very critical condition, he learns that she lost the baby, and also that this was Nicholas' doing, he then begins a persistent manhunt for Nicholas, and chases him all over the city attempting to end his life in many dramatic ways. How will Nicholas survive these series of attacks by a psychotic father? Now the tables have turned, and Nicholas is not playing games, but running for his life in this action-packed deadly chase. Eventually Jonathan catches his prey. Throughout the movie, there are short scenes of the opening act, these scenes are broken up and spread out smartly along the film so that they can sort of tell the narrative and progress it. By this i simple mean, after the title of the movie is shown, the actual beginning of the story unfolds, but then later on we go back to the opening scene, this is because after Nicholas wakes up(which happens at the end of the opening sequence) Jonathan puts him on a chair and then begins to interrogate Nicholas on his reckless actions and motives, but Nicholas cannot remember everything clearly and begins to explain to Jonathan the things he can remember, memory by memory, for example he explains the day he first came to Sarah's house to meet her family, then a flashback of that period is shown, this technique is used throughout the film, and in he end we have a complex and simple film full of flashbacks which tell the whole story. In the end, we are at the beginning of the film again, a room full of newspapers, photos and a tied up unconscious Nicholas, Jonathan walks in and Nicholas awakes. But this time we see what Jonathan has planned for Nicholas, as a result of Jonathan's insanity he chops off Nicholas's ear! However Nicholas is still alive but in a lot of agony, Jonathan is not satisfied and leaves to get another weapon, Sarah surprisingly arrives to rescue Nicholas, Jonathan returns with a chainsaw and really explains why he wants Nicholas to suffer so much, a fight begins between Jonathan and a untied Nicholas begins, and at the climax of the fight Jonathan accidentally strikes Sarah with the chainsaw and ends his own daughters life! Nicholas escapes but is arrested by the police outside the building, the police run in to arrest Jonathan, but Jonathan, who has totally lost his reason to live will not go down without a fight.

Written by Kevin Afolabi

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