Prelim Task

Opening Sequence

Saturday 22 January 2011

Opening Sequence Storyboard

We decided to use panning so that we could establish the setting of the scene, by panning you can instantly invite the audience into the world of the film, as they analyse the location. Close ups of the photographs were used to introduce the characters.

We decided to use a low angle shot of Jonathan walking in so that his identity is hidden as only his boots are shown, this keeps the audience guessing.

We used close ups to show different objects, which are initially clues for the audience to interpret, and we wanted to have the quick cuts to build and add tension. The close up of the phone was too establish who is trying to contact Nicholas, as the name is displayed on the screen, this as well is a vital clue to help the audience unravel the story.

We used extreme close up of the eyes to give suspense and to keep the audience interested. I wanted the audience to actually see the fear in Nicholas' eyes.

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